Living in Resonance

Sei-Ki: The Way of Touch

A Way is a discipline through which the practitioner is committed to seeing things as they truly are. The traditional Japanese Ways include: the Way of Martial Arts, Budo; the Way of Tea, Chado; the way of calligraphy, Shodo and others. Sei-ki: the Way of Touch, is not a recognised art but embodies the principles of a traditional Way and its founder, Kishi Akinobu, understood it in this context.

“One’s life is conducted by one’s spirit…a treatment has to move the spirit to restore wellbeing…In creating a quiet space through a quiet mind and body, illumination comes…The spirit moves because the environment of the space encourages it to be moved….Well-rooted presence and virtue of the practitioner are key to this environment. Close windows and shut doors to create a space that is calm and quiet enough for concentration, so you can promote a relationship of unity between your spirit and the patient.”

–Ling Shu (1,8,9) and Su Wen (27)

Sei-ki is a practice of expanding your awareness through connecting with and supporting others

Learning Sei-Ki

For self-development & professional practise


UK and International 


Learn more about Sei-ki with our video interviews, books and articles

Living in Resonance (LiR)

LiR offers workshops and community in Sei-ki and the art of living for those wanting to explore mindful touch. Life is a difficult journey with many joys and pitfalls. From time to time we need help on our travels. LiR is a resource in the form of workshops, supervisions and community in line with this resonant life.

Living in Resonance takes is name from Kishi & Whieldon’s 2011 book, Sei-ki: Life in Resonance, the Secret Art of Shiatsu
Resonance affects everything, like ripples in a pond.  It is life lived in harmony and flow, internally and in relationship, without effort, impact without trace.  Resonance is relationship