Sei-ki Sessions

One to One ​Sessions

Contact Alice to discuss one to one sessions in Norfolk. If you are planning on attending a workshop, Alice often offers sessions on the day after the workshop. Contact individual organisers for information.


“What I really love about your treatments is they put me in very clear place where it is just so clear to understand what I really need to give myself in order to heal from the deepest level.”

TW, London UK

“An hour with Alice is pure escapism. Her techniques immediately release me from my everyday stresses into a state of deep relaxation. What she does is a mystery to me but it’s enjoyable, addictive and restorative.”

JP, London UK

“An hour with Alice is pure escapism. Her techniques immediately release me from my everyday stresses into a state of deep relaxation. What she does is a mystery to me but it’s enjoyable, addictive and restorative.”

JP, London UK