
“Alice gives the space and support to everyone to be in their space and do their work focused and undisturbed. For me every workshop with Alice feels like a meditation class where I let go and focus on the breath and keep asking myself like a koan “What is it?” One of the most interesting parts in learning Sei-ki is to see Alice working on another person – this is an art!!! It feels like reading and listening to a poem! Everyone in the class resonates, stays quiet and attends living art in front of our eyes. Thanks, Alice! ”

–PPG, Athens, Greece

What to Expect

Tutorials are a great way to develop your Sei-Ki. With personal guidance for up to 5 hours in groups of 2-3 students, sessions are tailored to your particular needs. One person tutorials take 1.5-2 hours.

​You will receive a session within the tutorial and be supported in exploring your understanding and practice with an experienced presenter as well as observe and engage with sessions given to fellow students.


​Costs vary with the time and number of students but as a general rule, the cost per person is £150